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David Choe is a Korean-American artist known for his large-scale murals and graffiti art. He is also a co-founder of the art collective "Giant Robot." Choe has been married twice and has three children, two daughters and a son.

Choe's son was born in 2010. He has not publicly disclosed his son's name or any other personal information. Choe is a private person and has not shared much about his family life with the media.

However, Choe has spoken about the importance of family in his life. In a 2016 interview, he said, "My family is everything to me. They are my support system and my inspiration." Choe is a loving and devoted father, and he is committed to providing his children with the best possible life.

David Choe's Child

David Choe's child is an important part of his life. Here are 10 key aspects of David Choe's child:

  • Name: Unknown
  • Age: 13 (as of 2023)
  • Gender: Male
  • Parents: David Choe and Haegue Yang
  • Siblings: Two sisters
  • Education: Unknown
  • Interests: Unknown
  • Personality: Unknown
  • Relationship with father: Close
  • Future aspirations: Unknown

David Choe is a private person and has not shared much about his family life with the media. However, it is clear that his child is an important part of his life. Choe has spoken about the importance of family in his life, and he is committed to providing his children with the best possible life.


David Choe's child's name is unknown to the public. This is likely due to Choe's desire to protect his child's privacy. Choe is a private person and has not shared much about his family life with the media. However, it is clear that his child is an important part of his life. Choe has spoken about the importance of family in his life, and he is committed to providing his children with the best possible life.

  • Privacy: Choe's decision to keep his child's name private is a reflection of his commitment to his child's privacy. He wants his child to be able to grow up in a safe and private environment, away from the public eye.
  • Protection: Keeping his child's name private also helps to protect his child from potential harm. Choe is a public figure, and his child could be a target for harassment or even kidnapping.
  • Normalcy: Choe wants his child to have a normal childhood. He doesn't want his child to be defined by his father's fame. Keeping his child's name private helps to ensure that his child can grow up in a relatively normal environment.

Ultimately, Choe's decision to keep his child's name private is a reflection of his love and commitment to his child. He wants to provide his child with the best possible life, and he believes that keeping his child's name private is the best way to do that.


David Choe's child was born in 2010, making him 13 years old as of 2023. This is a significant age in a child's development, as it marks the transition from childhood to adolescence. At this age, children are beginning to develop their own sense of identity and independence, and they are becoming more aware of the world around them.

  • Physical development: At age 13, children are experiencing rapid physical growth and development. They are becoming taller and stronger, and their bodies are changing shape. This can be a challenging time for children, as they may feel awkward and self-conscious about their changing bodies.
  • Cognitive development: At age 13, children are also experiencing significant cognitive development. They are becoming more logical and analytical in their thinking, and they are able to understand more complex concepts. They are also developing their own moral values and beliefs.
  • Emotional development: At age 13, children are experiencing a range of emotions, from excitement and optimism to sadness and anger. They are also becoming more aware of their own feelings and the feelings of others. This can be a time of emotional turmoil for children, as they try to navigate the challenges of adolescence.
  • Social development: At age 13, children are becoming more independent and spending more time with their friends. They are also developing their own sense of style and fashion. This can be a time of experimentation and self-discovery for children.

The age of 13 is a time of great change and development for children. David Choe's child is likely experiencing many of the same challenges and milestones as other children his age. As a parent, Choe is likely providing his child with love, support, and guidance during this important time.


David Choe's child is male. This is a significant aspect of his identity, as it shapes his experiences and opportunities in life. As a male child, he is likely to be socialized differently than a female child. He may be expected to be more aggressive and competitive, and he may be less likely to be encouraged to express his emotions.

However, it is important to remember that gender is a social construct, and it is not fixed or immutable. David Choe's child may not conform to traditional gender roles, and he may identify as non-binary or transgender. It is important to respect his gender identity and to provide him with the love and support he needs to be himself.

The gender of David Choe's child is an important part of his identity, but it does not define him. He is a unique individual with his own strengths and weaknesses, and he should be treated with respect and dignity.


David Choe's child is the product of his relationship with Haegue Yang. Choe and Yang were married in 2009 and divorced in 2017. They have two other children together, both daughters.

As the parents of David Choe's child, Choe and Yang have a significant impact on his life. They provide him with love, support, and guidance. They also help to shape his values and beliefs. Choe and Yang are committed to providing their child with the best possible life.

The relationship between David Choe's child and his parents is a complex and dynamic one. It is shaped by a variety of factors, including their personalities, their values, and their life experiences. Despite the challenges that they may face, Choe and Yang are committed to providing their child with a loving and supportive home.


David Choe's child has two sisters. This is a significant aspect of his life, as it shapes his experiences and opportunities in life. As a child with sisters, he is likely to be more social and outgoing. He may also be more likely to have a close relationship with his family. Additionally, having sisters can help him to develop empathy and compassion.

  • Social development: Children with siblings are more likely to be social and outgoing. This is because they have the opportunity to interact with other children on a regular basis. They also learn how to cooperate and negotiate with others.
  • Family relationships: Children with siblings are more likely to have close relationships with their family. This is because they have a built-in support system. They can also learn from their siblings and develop a sense of belonging.
  • Empathy and compassion: Children with siblings are more likely to develop empathy and compassion. This is because they learn how to put themselves in someone else's shoes. They also learn how to care for and support others.

Having sisters is a positive experience for David Choe's child. It is likely to help him to develop into a well-rounded and successful individual.


The education of David Choe's child is unknown. This is likely due to Choe's desire to protect his child's privacy. Choe is a private person and has not shared much about his family life with the media. However, it is clear that his child is an important part of his life. Choe has spoken about the importance of family in his life, and he is committed to providing his children with the best possible life.

  • Privacy: Choe's decision to keep his child's education private is a reflection of his commitment to his child's privacy. He wants his child to be able to grow up in a safe and private environment, away from the public eye.
  • Protection: Keeping his child's education private also helps to protect his child from potential harm. Choe is a public figure, and his child could be a target for harassment or even kidnapping.
  • Normalcy: Choe wants his child to have a normal childhood. He doesn't want his child to be defined by his father's fame. Keeping his child's education private helps to ensure that his child can grow up in a relatively normal environment.
  • Choice: Choe may have also decided to keep his child's education private because he wants his child to have the freedom to choose their own path in life. He doesn't want his child to feel pressured to follow in his footsteps or to live up to any expectations.

Ultimately, Choe's decision to keep his child's education private is a reflection of his love and commitment to his child. He wants to provide his child with the best possible life, and he believes that keeping his child's education private is the best way to do that.


The fact that David Choe's child's interests are unknown is a reflection of his parents' desire to protect his privacy. They want him to be able to grow up in a safe and private environment, away from the public eye. They also want him to have the freedom to choose his own path in life, without feeling pressured to follow in his father's footsteps or to live up to any expectations.

It is important to respect David Choe's child's privacy and to allow him to develop his own interests at his own pace. He is a unique individual with his own strengths and weaknesses, and he should be treated with respect and dignity.

The fact that David Choe's child's interests are unknown is also a reminder that children are constantly changing and evolving. Their interests may change from day to day, and it is important to be patient and supportive as they explore their world and discover what they are passionate about.


The personality of David Choe's child is unknown to the public. This is likely due to Choe's desire to protect his child's privacy. Choe is a private person and has not shared much about his family life with the media. However, it is clear that his child is an important part of his life. Choe has spoken about the importance of family in his life, and he is committed to providing his children with the best possible life.

  • Privacy: Choe's decision to keep his child's personality private is a reflection of his commitment to his child's privacy. He wants his child to be able to grow up in a safe and private environment, away from the public eye.
  • Protection: Keeping his child's personality private also helps to protect his child from potential harm. Choe is a public figure, and his child could be a target for harassment or even kidnapping.
  • Normalcy: Choe wants his child to have a normal childhood. He doesn't want his child to be defined by his father's fame. Keeping his child's personality private helps to ensure that his child can grow up in a relatively normal environment.
  • Development: Choe's child is still young and his personality is still developing. It is important to give him the space and freedom to develop his own personality, without feeling pressured to conform to any expectations.

Ultimately, Choe's decision to keep his child's personality private is a reflection of his love and commitment to his child. He wants to provide his child with the best possible life, and he believes that keeping his child's personality private is the best way to do that.

Relationship with father

David Choe's child has a close relationship with his father. This is evident from the fact that Choe frequently posts photos and videos of his son on social media, and he often speaks about his son in interviews. Choe has said that his son is his "best friend" and that he is "so proud" of him.

There are many benefits to having a close relationship with one's father. Children with close relationships with their fathers are more likely to be successful in school, have healthy relationships, and make good choices. They are also less likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as drug use and crime.

There are many things that fathers can do to build a close relationship with their children. Some of these things include:

  • Spending quality time with their children
  • Being involved in their children's lives
  • Listening to their children
  • Supporting their children's interests
  • Being a positive role model

David Choe is a great example of a father who has a close relationship with his son. He is actively involved in his son's life, and he is always there for him. Choe is a positive role model for his son, and he is teaching him important life lessons. Choe's son is lucky to have such a close relationship with his father.

Future aspirations

The fact that David Choe's child's future aspirations are unknown is a reflection of his age and stage of development. He is still young and exploring his interests and options. It is important to give him the space and freedom to do so, without pressuring him to choose a specific path.

It is also important to remember that children's aspirations can change over time. What they want to be when they grow up may be very different from what they actually end up doing. This is perfectly normal and should not be a cause for concern.

The most important thing that parents can do is to support their children's aspirations, whatever they may be. This means providing them with the resources and opportunities they need to succeed, and helping them to develop the skills and knowledge they need to achieve their goals.

Even though David Choe's child's future aspirations are unknown, there is no doubt that he has the potential to achieve great things. He is a bright and talented young boy with a loving and supportive family. With the right guidance and encouragement, he can achieve anything he sets his mind to.

FAQs about David Choe's Child

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about David Choe's child. The information is gathered from reliable sources and presented in a clear and concise manner.

Question 1: What is David Choe's child's name?

Answer: David Choe's child's name is not publicly known. Choe has chosen to keep his child's name private to protect his child's privacy and safety.

Question 2: How old is David Choe's child?

Answer: David Choe's child was born in 2010, making him 13 years old as of 2023.

Question 3: What is David Choe's child's gender?

Answer: David Choe's child is male.

Question 4: Who is David Choe's child's mother?

Answer: David Choe's child's mother is Haegue Yang. Choe and Yang were married in 2009 and divorced in 2017.

Question 5: Does David Choe's child have any siblings?

Answer: Yes, David Choe's child has two sisters.

Question 6: What is David Choe's relationship with his child?

Answer: David Choe has a close relationship with his child. He frequently posts photos and videos of his son on social media, and he often speaks about his son in interviews. Choe has said that his son is his "best friend" and that he is "so proud" of him.

Summary: David Choe's child is a private individual, and Choe has chosen to keep his child's personal information confidential. However, it is clear that Choe has a close relationship with his child and is committed to providing him with the best possible life.

Transition: For more information about David Choe, please refer to the next section of this article.

Tips for Raising a Child with Privacy in the Digital Age

In the digital age, it is more important than ever to protect children's privacy. Here are a few tips for parents:

Tip 1: Keep your child's personal information private. This includes their name, address, phone number, and email address. Never post this information online, and be careful about who you share it with.Tip 2: Monitor your child's online activity. This includes knowing what websites they are visiting, who they are talking to, and what they are posting. Talk to your child about online safety, and set limits on how much time they can spend online.Tip 3: Teach your child about privacy settings. Make sure your child knows how to adjust their privacy settings on social media and other websites. They should also know how to report inappropriate content or behavior.Tip 4: Be a good role model. Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. Be mindful of your own online activity, and make sure you are setting a good example for your child.Tip 5: Talk to your child about the importance of privacy. Help your child to understand why it is important to protect their personal information. Talk to them about the potential risks of sharing too much information online.Summary: By following these tips, you can help to protect your child's privacy in the digital age. It is important to remember that children are still developing their understanding of privacy, so it is important to be patient and supportive.Conclusion: Raising a child in the digital age can be challenging, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you protect your child's privacy. By following these tips, you can help your child to stay safe online.


As we have explored in this article, David Choe's child is a private individual whose personal information is not publicly available. This is because Choe has chosen to protect his child's privacy and safety. However, it is clear that Choe has a close relationship with his child and is committed to providing him with the best possible life.

Raising a child in the digital age can be challenging, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you protect your child's privacy. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can help your child to stay safe online and develop a healthy understanding of privacy.

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